SDCC | Green Screen Bullet Time Photo Booth

And just like that, it came and went; the “it,” of course, being San Diego Comic Con 2016.
For the last few years now, the last week of July starts with us boarding a plane headed for San Diego, and doesn’t end until we haven’t slept for a week, have only eaten once a day, and have experienced every emotion possible.
Comic Con is something like Christmas for us at Limelight (Christmas in July, anyone?). We see old friends, make a bunch of new ones, rub elbows with the gaming equivalent of Big Wigs, and being the professional people-watchers that we are, feast ourselves on the sights and sounds of the Comic Con crowd. Like I said, it’s Christmas morning. In July.
This year we teamed up with Nerd HQ and Xbox to set up our small foot print, beautifully designed 12 Cam Matrix Booth inside the futuristic New Children’s Museum in the heart of downtown San Diego, which was transformed into a gamer’s ultimate clubhouse (read: safe haven). All that was missing was the “No Adults Allowed” sign on the front door.
We paired our 12 Cam Matrix Booth with a custom made 12-foot by 10-foot behemoth of a green screen (go big or go home, right?) and used all of the glorious green screeniness to make six custom immersive backgrounds, all for different video games, all of which were gifs, with the exception of one which had a much more cinematic quality to it. I mean, this is where our Creative Team truly out-performs themselves in order to create something cooler and sexier time after time.
As per usual, we had our Social Media Station out and ready, firing off social media attention grabbing pictures to facebook, twitter, sms, et al. And for the more modest of Con-goers, there was email and a beautiful print of their photo(s). The images were sent to their own individual micro site web gallery. These trackable galleries offer great data analytics for our clients! Want to see our galleries? Click here to see them!
But, as they say, nothing can gold can stay.
And just like that, we’re getting ready for PAX West up north in Seattle, where we will be too busy enjoying what we do to realize that we are actually working.
tel: 800-342-9631