PAX South Announced for 2015

I get really excited when it comes to PAX, so does the whole Limelight Team actually. We love PAX because it’s the biggest gaming convention of its kind in the whole continent of North America. The events are huge, the game demos are endless, and the swag is amazing.
We have been lucky enough as a company to bring our Photo Booth to PAX Prime, PAX East, and even PAX AUS in Melbourne, Australia. We like to think of ourselves skilled veterans when it comes to working a photo booth at this international gaming convention, and we are were SO excited when they announced the newest addition, PAX South, while we were at PAX East this year.
I hear that 3 day passes have already sold out, so it looks like we aren’t the only ones excited about the newest PAX Location!
Penny Arcade will invade the city of San Antonio, TX to host the southern chapter of its expo from January 23 through 25, 2015. Gamers all across the south have rejoiced in this announcement and as the tickets to Prime in Seattle are selling out faster and faster every year I see this as a welcome change.
We are excited to watch the Penny Arcade grow each year, as each year we get to grow with it. We are thankful to all the brands who have hired us along the way. We have done green screens for Magic the Gathering, Assassins Creed, Pop Cap, and Age of Empires. Nintendo had us for a social media sharing photo op for Legend of Zelda. We got to do a green screen party with Disney’s Fantasia. We froze in the cold Boston air with the great guys over at Trion Worlds for Warface. There are so many more wonderful companies we have had the privilege to work with and we are continually thankful for each chance we get.
So with that we hope to see you all down south come January! We look forward to another great PAX event.
tel: 800-342-9631