Here at Limelight we are PAX veterans, and three times a year we get very excited as the gaming convention approaches. We have done several types of booth for PAX throughout the years from the very basic photos with prints, to 3D Lenticular Holograms. This year for PAX East in Boston, MA we were brought […]
I get really excited when it comes to PAX, so does the whole Limelight Team actually. We love PAX because it’s the biggest gaming convention of its kind in the whole continent of North America. The events are huge, the game demos are endless, and the swag is amazing. We have been lucky enough as […]
Here at Limelight we are always working away at new and innovative products to offer. We can often be found in the depths of our warehouse testing out new projects and playing around with exciting new ideas… (can we say 3D hologram??!) So as you can imagine, when we get the chance to employ our […]
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